SB 39, Child Fatality Reporting and Disclosure Requirements ORD No. 1008-07 

Filing Status
Emergency Filing Status
Date submitted to OAL:  12/15/08
Office of Administrative Law's Decision:  Approved
OAL File Number:  2008-1216-03E
Date filed with Secretary of State:  12/26/08
Effective Date:  01/01/09

Emergency Readoption
Date Submitted to OAL:  06/26/09
Office of Administrative Law's Decision:  Approved
OAL File Number:  2009-0626-01EE
Date Filed with Secretary of State:  07/06/09
Effective Date:  07/06/09

Certificate of Compliance Filing Status
Date Submitted to OAL:  09/30/09
Office of Administrative Law's Decision:  Approved
OAL File Number:  2009-0930-01C
Date Filed with Secretary of State:  11/10/09
Effective Date:  11/10/09

Final Documents Approved by OAL