Living Locally
Getting Around
Taking Charge of Your Personal Space
Connecting with Nature
Living Locally
Where Do You Go?
Developed from resources available through, and
Think about all the places you go. Where you live and where you go each day. School, after-school activities, the doctor, a store you like to get something to eat at, meetings you have to go to, people you like to see, where you go when you want to get away from it all. Think too of things you like to do for fun, things you are good at or interested in. Places that make you feel alive and free to be you.
Write them down in any order, however they come to your mind. Try to capture as many as places as you can think of.
Once you have a list, add them to the Places You Go table. Rate them for yourself. Add +’s for any places that give you energy or hope, where you feel safe, or that are helpful to you in some way even if they are challenging. Later, you can add in the location for future reference. That way you can find it on your own if you ever want or need to.
Dial 211 for Local Community Services
If you are looking for help from community services in your area, just dial 211. This three-digit shortcut number will connect to a local call center that can provide you with information and referrals to health clinics, shelters, food and clothing, support groups, counseling, financial assistance, legal services, and more.
You can also find community resources through the website
What Resources are in Your Neighborhood?
Check out this map of California Youth Development, Education, Health and Community Services(created using tool) and zoom in to the area where you live to find out the resources near you. The map shows the locations of youth centers, summer employment programs, farmer’s markets, health clinics, art and music programs, volunteer opportunities, clubs and sports leagues, cultural centers, churches, recreation program, and more.
Community, Culture + Social Life Plan Use this tool to help you identify the ways you are currently connected to your community (activities, social groups, volunteering), what type of resources are available to you, and what your community connection goals are as you transition into adulthood.