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As we are implementing the child care transition to CDSS,
there may be additional modifications made to these webpages.
CCDF Fiscal Year 2016-18 Information
Attention: All Parties Interested in California's Child Care and Development Services
On November 19, 2014, the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) was reauthorized
. The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is a component of the block grant. Every three years, the federal government requires states, territories, and tribes that receive funds through the federal CCDF to prepare and submit a plan detailing how these funds will be allocated and expended. The California Department of Education (CDE) has been designated in state law to be the lead agency that is responsible for administering the CCDF in California and, therefore, is required to submit the CCDF State Plan.
Given that there are a number of new changes included in the reauthorization law, the CDE held three public hearings to gather input for the 2016–18 CCDF State Plan. The first California hearing took place before the draft State Plan was written on January 9, 2015. The second California hearing took place on October 8, 2016 after the Office of Child Care released the final CCDF State Plan "Preprint." The final California hearing took place on January 12, 2016. The final State Plan for Fiscal Year 2016–18 is available on the Child Care and Development Fund State Plan
Web page.
The submission deadline for the final State Plan on March 1, 2016, to the federal government (Update: on February 16, 2016, the Office of Child Care extended the submission deadline to March 11, 2016). The Final CCDF State Plan FFY 2016–18
(DOC) is now available for viewing. A proposed timeline of this process can be found at the CCDBG State Plan Timeline
Web page.
Public testimony regarding the CCDF State Plan FY 2016–18 was accepted through February 5, 2016. For information on submitting public input, visit the Input Opportunities for CCDF State Plan
Web page.
Federal CCDF Resources
CCDF Reauthorization
CCDF Reauthorization: Reforming Child Care for Children and Families
Federal Regulations Resources
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request
(Updated 29-Sep-2015)
Joint Comment Letter from the CDE and CDSS for the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Child Care and Development Fund Program
CCDF Final Federal Regulations
(PDF; Updated 23-Sep-2016)