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National Disqualified List

Nutrition Services Division

To: Child and Adult Care Food Program Sponsors

Number: 02-202

Attention: Food Program Director

Date: May 2002

Subject: National Disqualified List

Reference: United States Department of Agriculture CACFP Policy Memo 01-20

This Management Bulletin provides the requirements for reporting seriously deficient Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) agencies (independent centers and sponsoring organizations), family day care homes, and individuals to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for placement on the National Disqualified List.

When CACFP serious deficiencies are not corrected, we will declare the agency, home, or individual seriously deficient and move to terminate its participation in the CACFP. When termination action is complete, we will report the agency, home, or individual to USDA for placement on the National Disqualified List.

The same process will be followed if an agency, home, or individual self-terminates before correcting its serious deficiencies. The notification to USDA must include:

  • Business name of the agency, home, or individual;
  • Name of the person who signed the agreement and anyone else whose involvement warrants inclusion on the list;
  • Address of the agency, home, or individual;
  • Termination or self-termination date; and
  • Reason(s) for termination or, if self-terminated, uncorrected serious deficiencies.

If an agency or home has been identified as seriously deficient by USDA or the California Department of Education (CDE) and the agency or home is terminated or self-terminates before correcting its serious deficiencies, the sponsor must immediately report the above information to CDE.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609

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Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.