Transmission of Household Income Information

Management Bulletin
Purpose: Policy, Beneficial Information

To: Child and Adult Care Food Program

Number: USDA-CACFP-02-2012

Attention: Food Program Director

Date: August 2012

Subject: Transmission of Household Income Information by Tier II Day Care Homes in the Child and Adult Care Food Program

Reference: U.S. Department of Agriculture Policy Memo CACFP 17-2011

This Management Bulletin (MB) notifies Day Care Home (DCH) sponsors of modified requirements for the transmission of enrolled participant’s/children’s household income information by Tier II DCH providers to their sponsor. Specifically, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 allows Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Tier II DCH providers to assist in the transmission of household income information of enrolled children directly to their sponsors. This MB also refers sponsors to updated versions of the income eligibility Meal Benefit Form (MBF) and the Letter to Parents/Guardians.

Previously, Tier II DCH providers distributed the MBF to households of enrolled children in their care; however, it was the sponsor’s responsibility to collect the forms directly from the households. These providers may now, if they choose, collect the household MBF directly from households and transmit it to their sponsors. If they choose this option, they must receive the MBF with a signature from the household member on the Letter to Parents/Guardians in a sealed envelope giving permission for the provider to collect and transmit their MBF to their sponsor. The sealed envelope will ensure that the provider does not review the information on the MBF. If the sponsor finds that the provider has reviewed the MBF, the sponsor may revoke the provider’s option of collecting and transmitting the MBF and require their households to send the MBF directly to the sponsor.

Sponsors or Tier II providers must ensure that they communicate the following to their households of enrolled children.

  • The household is not required to complete the MBF in order for their children to participate in the CACFP
  • Households, if they choose to complete the income eligibility form, have two options:
    • Return the form directly to the sponsor at the address indicated on the form
    • Return the form to the Tier II DCH provider with written consent on the Letter to Parents/Guardians allowing the provider to collect the form and transmit it to the sponsor on the household’s behalf

The MBF and Letter to Parents/Guardians, which includes the required communication and written consent clause, is available in the Download Forms section of the Child Nutrition Information Payment System (CNIPS).

If your agency has questions regarding this MB, please contact the CACFP Specialist assigned to your agency. You will find a list of contact information for specialists in the Download Forms section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System

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CDSS Child and Adult Care Food Program
744 P Street, MS 9-13-290
Sacramento, CA 95814

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