Site License Details Update Processes in the CNIPS

Management Bulletin

Purpose: Policy, Action Required, Beneficial Information

To: Child and Adult Care Food Program Operators

Attention: Program Operator

Number: CACFP-04-2019

Date: April 2019

Reference: Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 226.15(e)

Subject: Site License Details Update Processes in the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System

Supersedes: Management Bulletin CACFP-08-2014: Automated Procedures in the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System for Invalid Child Care Licenses

This management bulletin (MB) supersedes the California Department of Education (CDE) MB CACFP-08-2014 and provides clarification on the processes to update the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) center site applications and day care home (DCH) provider site applications license details in the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS).


The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) CACFP Branch receives license data weekly from the Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) that:

  • Automatically validates the current license active status of existing CACFP sites; and
  • When initiated by the CACFP Operator, updates the CNIPS site applications with current license details

Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 226.15(e) requires CACFP Operators to maintain all program records, including applications.

Automated Process

The weekly license active status process automatically closes all center and DCH provider site applications in CNIPS when the license number is no longer coded as active in the CCLD database. The weekly process occurs and the designated authorized representative in the CNIPS for each CACFP Operator affected by the process receives an automated email notifying them of each CNIPS site application closure. The automatic closure of the sites ensures the CDSS is not paying claims for sites that no longer have an active license status.

Updating the CNIPS with Current License Details Process

To update the CNIPS site applications with current license details, the CACFP Operator needs to complete the following actions in the CNIPS CACFP application packet, site or provider application(s) section:

  • Center Site Applications

    1. Select Revise next to the site name that needs updated license details

    2. Select the Program Types tab, re-enter the license number for the applicable program type, and select Next

    3. Select the License/Approval tab

    4. Review that the License/Approval screen license details are updated as needed, and select Next

    5. Go to the Site Information tab, and select Finish

    6. Select Finish on the next screen

    7. If the Application Packet Submit for Approval option is clickable (button will turn red), select the option to submit for approval. If the option is not clickable (button will be gray), no further action is needed

  • Day Care Home Provider Applications

    1. Select Details next to the provider name that needs updated license details

    2. Select Revise Application

    3. Enter the current license number in item E2, and select Save

    4. Select Finish on the next screen

DCH sponsors that import their provider application information with a Sponsor’s Meal Administrative System file need to confirm the accuracy of both the Alternative ID (CNIPS provider application item number B7, Sponsor’s Meal Administrative System file layout sequence number 21) and the License Number (CNIPS provider application item number E2, Sponsor’s Meal Administrative System file layout sequence number 35) before completing the import into the CNIPS. The CNIPS CACFP Sponsor’s Meal Administrative System File Layout Specification is available on the California Department of Education CNIPS web page. It is recommended the DCH sponsor verify the accuracy of the CNIPS provider application(s) after the import is completed.

Please note, the CCLD data is only received once a week, so the CACFP Operator may need to wait a week before the current license details are available to update the CNIPS site applications.

If the license details are not updated after completing the actions above, and the one week time period has occurred, please contact your CACFP Specialist for further assistance.

Reinstate a Previously Closed Licensed Site or Other Site Application Issues Process

Please contact your CACFP Specialist for assistance to reinstate a licensed site previously closed or resolve other site application issues not included in this MB.


If you have any questions regarding this MB, please contact your CACFP Specialist. A contact list of CACFP Specialists is available on the Child and Adult Food Care Program Contact List in the Download Forms section of the CNIPS as Form ID CACFP 01. You can also contact the CACFP Office Technician by email at to be directed to your CACFP Specialist.

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Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

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Contact Us

CDSS Child and Adult Care Food Program
744 P Street, MS 9-13-290
Sacramento, CA 95814