Counties served by the Monterey Park Regional Office

Independent Adoption

  • Imperial
  • Orange
  • Riverside
  • San Bernardino
  • San Luis Obispo
  • Santa Barbara
  • Ventura

Independent Adoption Program

The primary function of the Monterey Park Regional Office is to investigate Independent adoptions for seven Southern California counties.  Another function of this office includes investigating set-aside adoption petitions for the same counties, plus Los Angeles and San Diego Counties for finalized adoptions in either the Agency or Independent adoption program.

In the Independent Adoption Program the Monterey Park Regional Office can formally open your case once the conformed Independent Adoption Petition and/or the Placement Agreement Packet from the Adoption Service Provider (ASP) is received.  In the Independent Adoption Program if you are adopting an unrelated minor you must obtain the services of an ASP.  To obtain a copy of registered ASP, please visit the "Registry of California Adoption Services Providers website."  If you are unrelated to the minor but have had guardianship for at least one year, you will not need the services of an ASP.

If you have questions regarding the Independent Adoption Program, please telephone our office at (323) 981-1730.

Children Available for Adoption

To obtain information regarding children, who are available for adoption in the Agency Adoption Program, please visit the California Kids Connection public website.

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) establishes procedures for the adoption of children coming into California from another state and for children who are leaving California to be adopted by individuals who live in other states.

Information about ICPC forms and procedures for Agency adoptions is available at licensed public or private adoption agencies.  Information regarding ICPC for Independent adoptions is available at CDSS Adoptions Regional Offices.  Residents of Alameda, Los Angeles, or San Diego Counties should contact the licensed public adoption agencies in their county of residence.

To obtain a copy of licensed adoption agencies, please visit the Directory of Public and Licensed California Adoption Agencies website or call 1 (800) KIDS-4-US.

Inter-Country Adoptions

You can adopt a child from another country through California's Intercountry Adoption Program.  To obtain information about the program requirements, contact a private adoption agency licensed to provide these services in the county where you reside.  To obtain a copy of licensed adoption agencies, please visit the Directory of Public and Licensed California Adoption Agencies website or call 1 (800) KIDS-4-US.

For further details on Intercountry adoptions, please visit the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website or contact the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service National Customer Service Center at 1 (800) 375-5283.


Contact Us:

Jaclyn Ek, MSW 
Regional Office Manager
Monterey Park Regional Office
1000 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 630
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Telephone: (323) 981-1730
FAX: (323) 981-1785