Counties served by the Sacramento Regional Office

Independent Adoption

  • Alpine
  • Amador
  • Calaveras
  • El Dorado
  • Lake
  • Nevada
  • Placer
  • Sacramento
  • Yolo
  • Yuba

Agency Adoption

  • Amador
  • Lake
  • Yolo
  • Yuba

Adoption Information

For general information on the adoption application process and other adoption services provided by the Sacramento Regional Office, please call (916) 309-3650.

Independent Adoption Program

In an Independent adoption, it is the birth/legal parent's decision and responsibility to select the adoptive parent(s) and to place the child directly with the adoptive family.  The function of the Sacramento Regional Office for Independent adoptions is to investigate Independent adoptions for the counties listed above and then file a report with the courts.  Another function of this office includes investigating set-aside adoption petitions in the same counties.

In the Independent Adoption Program, if you are adopting an unrelated minor, you must obtain the services of an Adoption Service Provider (ASP).  Please visit the Adoption Service Provider website for a list of ASPs near you.  If you are related to the minor, or have had guardianship for at least one year, you will not need the services of an ASP.  However, if you would like to enlist the services of an ASP, the ASP may provide the services.

If you have questions regarding the Independent Adoption Program, please call us at (916) 309-3650.

Post Adoption Services

The Sacramento Regional Office provides services to families and children who have finalized their adoptions with our office, but who have a continued need for assistance.  The Post Adoption Services (PAS) program offers information and referral services, individual and family counseling, specialized adoption training events, regular group meetings with adoptive parents to offer support and guidance, and respite care and educational resources.  For more information about resources in your area, call us at (916) 309-3650.

For more information about post adoption contact between birth parent, adoptee, and sibling, confidential intermediary, birth parent or adoptee obtaining non-identifying background information about the adoption, adoption record, and original birth certificate, please review the Adoptee Information website.

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is a contract among member states and U.S. territories authorizing them to work together to ensure that children who are placed across state lines for foster care or adoption receive adequate protection and support services.  The ICPC establishes procedures for the adoption of children coming into California from another state and for children who are leaving California to be adopted by individuals who live in other states.

To learn more about ICPC and resources available such as forms and policies, please visit the CDSS ICPC website.

Intercountry Adoptions

The Sacramento Regional Office does not provide Intercountry Adoption services.  To obtain information about the program requirements, please contact a private adoption agency licensed to provide these services in the county where you reside.  To obtain a copy of licensed adoption agencies, please visit the Directory of Public and Licensed California Adoption Agencies website or call 1 (800) KIDS-4-US.

For further details on Intercountry adoptions, please visit the U.S. Department of State website and USCIS website which provides detailed explanation on the process for intercountry adoptions.  If you have any questions after reviewing these websites, you may contact the Adoption Policy Unit by emailing

Contact Us:

Lindsey Philpot
Regional Office Manager
Sacramento Regional Office
9835 Goethe Road, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95827
Telephone: (916) 309-3650
FAX: (916) 309-3672