Reporting Other Types of Fraud or Abuse
There are many types of fraud not related to public assistance. Some links that may be helpful are listed below:
Automotive Repair Complaints and/or Fraud
Hot Line: 1-800-952-521. 0n The Department of Consumer Affairs is California’s consumer protection agency. It licenses and regulates auto repair dealers, Smog Check stations, and dozens of other professions.
Reporting Complaints Against Businesses
The Attorney General's Office handles complaints against a variety of businesses in addition to providing complaint resources for specific types of businesses.
Insurance Fraud
Regional Office Contact Map - Find the appropriate regional office to report insurance fraud.
Mail Fraud
The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is the law enforcement branch of the U.S. Postal Service, empowered by federal laws and regulations to investigate and enforce over 200 federal statutes related to crimes against the U.S. Mail, the Postal Service and its employees. Postal Inspectors investigate any crime in which the U.S. Mail is used to further a scheme, whether it originated in the mail, by telephone or on the Internet. The use of the U.S. Mail is what makes it a mail fraud issue.
Medi-Cal Fraud
Hot Line: 1-800-722-0432. A law-enforcement agency, the Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse is comprised of prosecutors, special agents, and forensic auditors who conduct criminal and civil investigations and prosecutions for theft from the Medi-Cal program. Medi-Cal fraud is generally defined as the billing of the Medi-Cal program for services, drugs, or supplies that are unnecessary, not performed, or more costly than those actually performed. It also refers to paying and/or receiving kickbacks for Medi-Cal billing referrals.
Medicare, Medicaid or Other Health Program Fraud
Hot Line: 1-800-447-8477. Confidentially report matters involving fraud, waste and mismanagement in any US Department of Health & Human Services program.
Social Security Administration Program Fraud (Retirement, Survivors and/or Disability) & Representative Payee Misuse
Report fraud, waste, or abuse of Social Security Administration Programs such as Retirement, Survivors, Disability and Supplemental Security Income via the Internet.
Unemployment Insurance, State Disability Insurance, or Payroll Tax Fraud
1-800-229-6297. The California Employment Development Department (EDD) provides information on their fraud detection and deterrence efforts as well as links to report suspected program abuse.
Women Infants and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program Abuse
1-800-852-5770. Find general information relating to the Women Infants and Children (WIC) Program Integrity Unit.
Workers' Compensation Fraud