I Am an Adult Adoptee, How Can I Get Non-Identifying Background Information About My Adoption and About My Birth Parents?
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) or the licensed California public or private adoption agency that handled the adoption can provide non-identifying background information about the birth parents to the adoptees. The information provided includes general facts about the birth parents and their medical history. This service is available only for adoptions that were finalized in California. Some licensed private adoption agencies may charge a fee for this service.
You may request this information by writing directly to the licensed California adoption agency, if known, or to the CDSS. Your letter must include your name, date and place of birth, and your adoptive parents’ full names. Your signature must be notarized by a Notary Public. The CDSS does not accept requests submitted by email or by fax.
Please send your request to the licensed California adoption agency or to the CDSS at the following address:
California Department of Social Services
Post Permanency Services Unit
744 P Street, M.S. 8-12-521
Sacramento, CA 95814
If you do not know which licensed California adoption agency handled your adoption:
- You may mail your letter to the CDSS and we will search our records to determine who maintains your adoption file.
- If the CDSS maintains your adoption file, we will process your request.
- If a licensed California adoption agency maintains your adoption file, we will return your letter along with the address of the agency, so that you may mail your letter directly to them.