Inspection Process Project
About the Inspection Process Project
The Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) is focusing its efforts on three priority areas: prevention, compliance and enforcement.
Enhancing technical support to licensees from LPAs and the Technical Support Program; developing resource guides and trainings for licensees and potential licensees; and deploying online resources, including quarterly updates and provider information notices.
Creating clear and consistent expectations for licensees to address issues in real-time to ensure the health and safety of the individuals that are served and provide technical assistance to licensees on statutory and regulatory requirements.
Providing LPAs with a compendium of inspection's tools to ensure inspections are thorough and consistent; bolstering the LPA Training Academies; and deploying ongoing staff training and data analytics to target resources in priority areas.
Improving the effectiveness and quality of the inspection process, which includes developing and deploying comprehensive, data-driven inspection tools is essential to these efforts. The Compliance and Regulatory Enforcement (CARE) Tools, developed as part of the Inspection Process Project, are for use in the Adult and Senior Care (ASC) Program, Children's Residential Program and Child Care Program. The CARE Tools will be used by Licensing Program Analysts (LPAs) when conducting inspections in licensed facilities.
Compliance and Regulatory Enforcement (CARE) Tools
NEW! CARE Tools Webpage
Inspection Process Project Overview
Adult and Senior Care
The domains listed below are not used for all adult facility types, as some domains do not apply to all facility types or have few requirements. The eleven difference domains found in the CARE Tools for Adult Care facility types are listed below:
- Client/Resident Records-Incident Reports: client records, admission agreement, register of clients, needs and services plan, etc.
- Client/Resident Rights-Information: personal rights, administration, animals and pets in facilities, etc.
- Disaster Preparedness: disaster and mass casualty plan, etc.
- Emergency Intervention: emergency intervention documentation and reporting requirements, emergency intervention staff training, medical examination, etc.
- Food Service: food service, food service-related personnel requirements, etc.
- Health-Related-Services: care for clients with contractures, care for clients with incontinence, care for clients who rely upon others to perform all activities of daily living, etc.
- Incidental Medical Services: restricted health conditions, prohibited health conditions, inhalation-assistive devices, etc.
- Infection Control: mitigation plan, hygiene protocols, personal protective equipment, etc.
- Operational Requirements: plan of operation, fire clearance, safeguarding resident cash, property and valuables, etc.
- Personnel Records-Training: personnel records, health-related services, personnel requirements, etc.
- Physical Plant/Environmental Safety: posting of license, limitations on capacity and ambulatory status, water supply clearance, buildings and groups, etc.
- Staffing: staff-client ratios, staffing-related personnel requirements, night supervision, etc.
The CARE Tools for Senior Care facilities contain requirements in the following licensing domains:
- Operational Requirements: plan of operation, required insurances, fire clearance, etc.
- Physical Plant/Environmental Safety: facility maintenance, living accommodations, storage space, etc.
- Staffing: administrator presence, sufficient staffing, night supervision, etc.
- Personnel Records/Staff Training: criminal record clearance/exemption, training, etc.
- Resident Rights/Information: resident councils, family councils, resident rights, etc.
- Resident Records/Incident Reports: admission agreements, register of residents, etc.
- Food Service: meal requirements, food supply, menus, food preparation, etc.
- Planned Activities: resident participation, community-centered activities, etc.
- Incidental Medical and Dental: plan for incidental medical and dental care, medications, etc.
- Infection Control: mitigation plan, hygiene protocols, personal protective equipment, etc.
- Residents with Special Health Needs: hospice care, residents with dementia, postural supports, etc.
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency plan/disaster & mass casualty plan, etc.
Visit the CARE Tools webpage for program specific tools.
Child Care
Child Care Inspection Tool Pilot Documents
The CARE Tools for Child Care facilities contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Child Care Centers:
- Care and Supervision: protecting children in care, monitoring food intake or special diets, assistance in diapering, toileting, dressing, grooming, other personal hygiene needs, taking medication, etc.
- Children's Records: documentation on special diet or medical needs, individual development plans, etc.
- Food service: food and beverages provided to children in care
- Personal Rights: children's personal rights
- Physical Plant: furniture, toys, flooring, cleanliness, etc.
- Reporting Requirements: reporting incidents, etc.
- Staff Records: staff experience, qualifications, training, general information applicable to staff, etc.
- Staffing Ratio and Capacity: staffing ratios per number of children in care
- Toddler Component: children 18 months to three years of age
The CARE Tools for for Child Care facilities contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Family Child Care Homes:
- Care and Supervision: protecting children in care, monitoring food intake or special diets, assistance in diapering, toileting, dressing, grooming, other personal hygiene needs, taking medication, etc.
- Facility Administration: documentation related to criminal record clearances and exemptions, personnel requirements, reporting requirements, etc.
- Personal Rights: children's personal rights
- Physical Plant: furniture, toys, flooring, cleanliness, etc.
- Records: documentation related to immunization, emergency contact information, etc.
- Staffing Ratio and Capacity: staffing ratios per number of children in care
Visit the CARE Tools webpage for program specific tools.
Children's Residential
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities tools contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Adoption Agency Domains:
- Physical Plant: facility furniture, equipment, supplies, safety and cleanliness
- Operations: facility accreditation, licensure, board of directors’ information, register of clients, emergency procedure
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties
- Case Records: case records content, client health protection, medical care
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities tools contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Community Crisis Homes Domains:
- Physical Plant: home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, front and backyard, facility cleanliness and safety
- Operational Requirements: facility accreditation, planned activities, register of clients, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Emergency Intervention Plan: protective separation room requirements, emergency intervention staff training, documentation and reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: : staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Clients Special Health Care Needs (SHCN): individualized health care plans, additional personnel records, postural support and protective devices
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities tools contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Community Treatment Facility Domains:
- Physical Plant: home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, front and backyard, facility cleanliness and safety
- Operational Requirements: facility accreditation, planned activities, register of clients, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Emergency Intervention Plan: protective separation room requirements, emergency intervention staff training, documentation and reporting requirements
- Clients Special Health Care Needs (SHCN): individualized health care plans, additional personnel records, postural support and protective devices
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities tools contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Crisis Nurseries Domains:
- Physical Plant: home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, front and backyard, facility cleanliness and safety
- Operational Requirements: facility accreditation, planned activities, register of clients, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Staffing: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Day Services: length of stay, client roster, isolation area, napping equipment
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities tools contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Enhanced Behavioral Supports Homes Domains:
- Physical Plant: home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, front and backyard, facility cleanliness and safety
- Operational Requirements: facility accreditation, planned activities, register of clients, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Emergency Intervention Plan: protective separation room requirements, emergency intervention staff training, documentation and reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Clients With Special Health Care Needs (SHCN): individualized health care plans, additional personnel records, postural support and protective devices
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities tools contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Foster Family Agencies:
- Physical Plant: facility furniture, equipment, supplies, safety and cleanliness
- Operational Requirements: facility accreditation, licensure, board of directors’ information, register of clients, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, bedroom sharing arrangements, needs and services plan
- Core/Therapeutic Services: core services and mental health supports provided to children/youth
- Clients with Special Health Care Needs: individualized health care plans, postural support and protective devices, records for specialized resource family and certified family homes
- Resource Family Records: applicant requirements, clearances, training, home environment assessment, family evaluation, certificate of approval
- Intensive Services Foster Care Resource Family Records (ISFC Records): training requirements, staff requirements, ISFC services and supports, ISFC capacity limitations
- Certified Family Home Records: applicant requirements, clearances, training, written record of home study, certificate of approval
- Resource Family Portability Records: documentation of resource family portability application and approval
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Group Homes:
- Physical Plant: home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, front and backyard, facility cleanliness and safety
- Operational Requirements: facility accreditation, planned activities, register of clients, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Emergency Intervention Plan: protective separation room requirements, emergency intervention staff training, documentation and reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Clients with Special Health Care Needs: individualized health care plans, additional personnel records, postural support and protective devices
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program:
- Physical Plant: home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, front and backyard, facility cleanliness and safety, protective separation room requirements
- Operational Requirements: continuous quality improvement written policies, complaint procedures, facility accreditation, register of clients, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Emergency Intervention Plan: emergency intervention staff training, documentation and reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Core/Therapeutic Services: core services and mental health supports provided to children/youth, planned activities, trauma-informed interventions and treatment practices
- Clients with Special Health Care Needs: individualized health care plans, additional personnel records, postural support and protective devices
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Small Family Homes:
- Physical Plant: first aid supplies, swimming pools, telephone access, home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), home water, children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, facility cleanliness and safety
- Operational Requirements: clearances, register of clients, planned activities, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Clients with Special Health Care Needs: individualized health care plans, additional personnel records, postural support and protective devices
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Transitional Housing Placement Program:
- Physical Plant: facility furniture, equipment, fire clearance, telephone access
- Operational Requirements: safeguards for youth’s cash allowances and personal valuables, identification of participant living units, register of clients, participant expectations and consequences
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, cash allowances, needs and services and transitional independent living plan
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities tools contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Transitional Shelter Care Facility Domains:
- Physical Plant: home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, front and backyard, facility cleanliness and safety
- Operational Requirements: facility accreditation, planned activities, register of clients, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Emergency Intervention: protective separation room requirements, emergency intervention staff training, documentation and reporting requirements
- Staffing: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Clients With Special Health Care Needs (SHCN): individualized health care plans, additional personnel records, postural support and protective devices
The CARE Tools for Children’s Residential facilities tools contain requirements in the following licensing domains for Youth Homelessness Prevention Center Domains:
- Physical Plant: home supplies (i.e. food/kitchen, bath/bedroom), children/youth’s personal property, medication storage, front and backyard, facility cleanliness and safety
- Operational Requirements: facility accreditation, planned activities, register of clients, safeguards for children/youth’s cash allowances, emergency procedures
- Disaster Preparedness: emergency and disaster plan and training, quarterly drills, reporting requirements
- Emergency Intervention Plan: : protective separation room requirements, emergency intervention staff training, documentation and reporting requirements
- Staffing Records: staff roster, trainings, clearances, personnel requirements, qualifications, and duties, staff ratio
- Client Records: admission agreement, intake procedures, health records, medications, cash allowances, needs and services plan, personal rights
- Clients With Special Health Care Needs (SHCN): individualized health care plans, additional personnel records, postural support and protective device
Visit the CARE Tools webpage for program specific tools.