California-Child and Family Services Review (C-CFSR)


The California Child and Family Services Review (C-CFSR) System was formed as a result of the passage of the Child Welfare System Improvement and Accountability Act (AB 636) in 2001 and modeled after the Federal CFSR. The C-CFSR was designed to improve outcomes for children in the child welfare system while holding county and state agencies accountable for the outcomes achieved. This statewide accountability system includes the completion of a County Self-Assessment (CSA) which includes a peer review, development of a five year System Improvement Plan (SIP), the submission of annual SIP Progress Reports, and quarterly monitoring of SIP strategies and the effects on Child Welfare outcomes.

Contact Us

Performance and Program Improvement Bureau
744 P St., MS 8-12-518
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-8099

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