California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids

CalWORKs banner displaying diverse families engaged in everyday activities with the CalWORKs logo and the message 'Helping families with the essentials.


The purpose of CalWORKs is to provide equitable access to the services, resources and opportunities families need to increase resilience, achieve economic mobility, and break the cycle of poverty.

What is CalWORKs?

CalWORKs is a welfare program that gives cash aid and services to eligible California families in need. The program serves all 58 counties in the state and is operated locally by county welfare departments.

Benefits to Build On

If a family is in need, CalWORKs may be able to help with housing, food, utilities, clothing or medical care, they may be eligible to receive immediate short-term help. Families that apply and qualify for ongoing assistance receive money each month to help pay for housing, food and other necessary expenses.

To learn more about services and benefits that CalWORks offers, click below

About CalWORKs

There are welfare offices located in each of the 58 California counties. Families may apply for CalWORKs at any office located in the county where they live.

The amount of a family's monthly assistance payment depends on a number of factors, including the number of people who are eligible and the special needs of any of those family members. The income of the family is considered in calculating the amount of cash aid the family receives.

Families that have a child(ren) in the home who has been deprived of parental support or care because of the absence, disability or death of either parent.

Families with a child(ren) when both parents are in the home but the principal earner is unemployed. Need caretaker relatives of a foster child(ren).

If you have questions or problems with your CalWORKs benefits,contact your county social services agency.