Adult Protective Services (APS)

Each California County has an Adult Protective Services (APS) agency to help elder adults (60 years and older) and dependent adults (18-59 who are disabled), when these adults are unable to meet their own needs, or are victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation.  County APS agencies investigate reports of abuse of elders and dependent adults who live in private homes, apartments, hotels, hospitals, or who are, or soon will be, experiencing homelessness.

To report abuse, call this number 1-833-401-0832 and when prompted enter your 5-digit zip code to be connected to the Adult Protective Services in your county, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

APS staff also provides information and referral to other agencies and educates the public about reporting requirements and responsibilities under the Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting laws.

Cross reporting APS agencies, law enforcement agencies and the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (OSLTCO) have the responsibility to cross-report allegations of abuse with  consent from the victim or the victim’s representative  to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, public agencies, and licensing entities having jurisdiction over these cases. These agencies include:

  • The California Department of Health Services (DHCS), Licensing & Certification, handles cases of alleged abuse by a member of a hospital or health clinic. County APS staff evaluates abuse cases and arranges for services such as advocacy, counseling, money management, out-of-home placement, or conservatorship.
  • The OSLTCO, which is administered by the California Department of Aging (CDA) has jurisdiction for investigating reports of abuse that occur in nursing homes, residential care facilities for the elderly, adult residential facilities, intermediate care facilities, adult day health care facilities, and adult day programs. With consent from the resident or the resident’s representative Long-Term Care  Ombudsman representative’s investigations are completed by certified staff and volunteers at the local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (LTCOP).
  • The California Department of State Hospitals has jurisdiction for investigating reports of alleged abuse at California State Mental Hospitals.
  • The California Department of Developmental Services (CDDS) has jurisdiction to investigate reports of alleged abuse that occur at State Developmental Centers.

For whom: 

These services are available free to any elder or dependent adult regardless of income.


  • Services are available to any person, regardless of income.
  • Services are available in all 58 counties.

Contact Us:

If you want to report elder abuse or dependent adult abuse in the community, contact your local county APS Office. Abuse reports may also be made to your local law enforcement agency.

The following forms are to assist you in filing your report of suspected dependent adult or elder abuse. If you are employed by a financial institution, please complete form SOC 342. All other persons should complete form SOC 341.

Report of Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Abuse, SOC 341 (pdf)
Report of Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Financial Abuse, SOC 342 (pdf)
Translation: Spanish - SOC 341 (pdf)

Fee Restrictions

  • Health care providers and clinics shall not charge a fee to a patient for filling out any forms related to an IHSS applicant’s eligibility determination or providing information responsive to forms that support a claim or appeal regarding eligibility for a public benefit program (Health and Safety Code Section 123114).
  • Prohibited form fees should be reported to Adult Programs Division, Policy and Quality Assurance Branch, Policy, and Operations Bureau at (916) 651-5350.

Information & Resources

For more information and resources, visit the Adult Protective Services website. This resource is designed to assist county workers and other partners who provide services to the public.

If you are a member of the public, we encourage you to contact your county APS office.